Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck services offered in Gilbert, AZ

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck services offered in Gilbert, AZ

Losing weight often leaves people with excess skin and a sagging belly. If you have this problem, Atelier Plastic Surgery: Rohit Jaiswal, MD, in Gilbert, Arizona, can help. Dr. Jaiswal offers several types of tummy tucks to remove loose skin and excess fat and strengthen the muscles. Call Atelier Plastic Surgery to find out more about your tummy tuck options, or book a consultation online today.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin from your abdomen and tighten the abdominal wall muscle and fascia. This provides a slimmer figure with a firmer stomach.

A tummy tuck can also address problems like muffin tops, midsection bulges, and hanging skin caused by weight loss. You’ll have stronger abdominal muscles, look and feel more healthy, and improve your self-confidence.

Am I a suitable candidate for a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is ideal for people who can’t refine their figure further through diet and exercise. However, the surgery involved is extensive, so you should be in good overall mental and physical health, have a nutritious diet and regular exercise program, and refrain from smoking.

Abdominoplasty isn’t a weight loss surgery, so you need to be close to your ideal weight before the procedure. Dr. Jaiswal also recommends that women considering having children delay their tummy tuck until after childbirth.

You can discuss your aims with Dr. Jaiswal in detail at your consultation. He explains your options, including liposuction, and ensures you’ll likely get good results before recommending a tummy tuck.

What happens when I have a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck typically occurs under general anesthesia, so you experience no pain. The operation lasts about two hours.

Dr. Jaiswal makes an incision across your pubic area between the hip bones to easily conceal the scar. He uses sutures to tighten the underlying muscles and reattaches any separated abdominal muscles. He removes any excess fat and skin, then smooths the remaining skin over the area to give you a flat, tight belly. 

When the operation is complete, Dr. Jaiswal closes the incision, and you go to the recovery area while the anesthetic wears off.

What is an extended tummy tuck?

An extended tummy tuck (high lateral tension abdominoplasty or HLTA) is a specialized procedure used to repair slack abdominal muscles and tighten sagging tissues in the abdomen, thighs, and flanks.

With HLTA, Dr. Jaiswal tautens your skin vertically and horizontally across your abdomen. This tightens your waistline and accentuates your hips, giving women an hourglass figure and men a more toned, muscular look. 

Dr. Jaiswal also performs mini or limited tummy tucks. This procedure suits people with mild excess skin in their lower abdomen and lax muscles caused by a loss of elastin and collagen — proteins that give skin and tissue elasticity.

Call Atelier Plastic Surgery: Rohit Jaiswal, MD, to arrange a tummy tuck evaluation or book an appointment online today.