Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover services offered in Gilbert, AZ

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover services offered in Gilbert, AZ

Having children can be an amazing, enriching experience, but pregnancy and childbirth can also take a toll on your body. If you feel like your breasts, belly, and other areas are sagging, Atelier Plastic Surgery: Rohit Jaiswal, MD, in Gilbert, Arizona, can help with a mommy makeover. Dr. Jaiswal uses a combination of procedures tailored to your individual needs. Call Atelier Plastic Surgery to learn more about benefiting from a mommy makeover, or schedule a consultation online today.

What is a mommy makeover?

Becoming a mother is one of life’s most rewarding experiences for many women, but growing a new human can have considerable adverse effects on your body. 

Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle before and after childbirth helps you regain your pre-pregnancy shape, but it’s not always enough. A mommy makeover gives you your desired figure by combining various cosmetic procedures.

Mommy makeovers are perfect for women wanting to regain youthful firmness after having children. However, Dr. Jaiswal recommends waiting until your family is complete before having a mommy makeover because if you give birth afterward, you may need to undergo revision surgery.

He also advises women to spend between six and twelve months toning their bodies through diet and exercise before undergoing a mommy makeover.

What problems can a mommy makeover fix?

A mommy makeover addresses all the common issues women experience following childbirth, including:

  • Stretch marks
  • Sagging skin
  • Lost breast volume 
  • Drooping breasts
  • Stretched abdominal muscles

Your mommy makeover also removes stubborn fat that you can’t shift with diet and exercise. 

At your consultation, Dr. Jaiswal discusses what you hope to achieve from a mommy makeover and suggests which surgeries will achieve the best results.

What procedures might be in my mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover could include any of the following procedures:

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation increases your breast size using silicone or saline implants or fat. Dr. Jaiswal also performs breast lifts to correct sagging and can address uneven breast size.

Breast reduction

Some patients with large breasts develop shoulder, back, and neck pain and skin rashes under their breasts. They may also have difficulty exercising because of their breast size. 


Liposuction surgically removes fat from areas resistant to diet and exercise.

Tummy tuck

A tummy tuck removes excess skin from your abdomen and tightens the abdominal wall muscle and fascia. This produces a slimmer figure and firmer stomach.

Thigh lift

A thigh lift reshapes your legs, giving you a gap between them if desired.

Arm lift

An arm lift removes unwanted fat and skin from your upper arms in the area extending from your armpit to your elbow. 

A mommy makeover won’t include all these procedures — Dr. Jaiswal works with you to select the combination that best meets your needs.

Call Atelier Plastic Surgery: Rohit Jaiswal, MD, for more information on mommy makeovers. You can also request a consultation by using the online booking feature.