
Liposuction services offered in Gilbert, AZ


Liposuction services offered in Gilbert, AZ

Liposuction extracts fat from areas diet and exercise don’t touch. If you’re stuck with stubborn fat pockets, Atelier Plastic Surgery: Rohit Jaiswal, MD, in Gilbert, Arizona, can help. Dr. Jaiswal uses advanced techniques to minimize discomfort and produce excellent results. Call Atelier Plastic Surgery to discover how liposuction can help refine your figure or schedule a consultation using the online booking form today.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure for surgically removing stubborn fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise. It’s not a weight loss solution, but it can help you shed some excess pounds and refine your figure. 

Liposuction eliminates love handles and other undesirable bulges from the:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Face
  • Neck and chin (submental area)

After liposuction, you may feel more comfortable, fit into clothes you want to wear, and enjoy increased self-confidence.

Is liposuction a good choice for me?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jaiswal to determine if liposuction is right for you. Be open and honest about what you hope to achieve; he can tell you what’s possible. The best liposuction candidates are psychologically stable, close to their ideal weight, have a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

If Dr. Jaiswal confirms you’re suitable for liposuction and you’re happy with his recommendations, you can book your surgery. Follow your pre and postoperative instructions closely to ensure you achieve optimal results and reduce the risk of complications.

What happens when I have liposuction?

You might have a general or local anesthetic for liposuction — Dr. Jaiswal is an expert in alternatives to general anesthesia in cosmetic surgery. Either way, you’ll be relaxed and feel no pain. Depending on the area and how much fat needs removing, liposuction typically takes between one and three hours to perform.

Dr. Jaiswal makes small incisions into your skin so he can insert a cannula — a tube that dislodges and removes unwanted fat. He uses a power-assisted liposuction (PAL) technique, a state-of-the-art fat removal method that achieves results smoothly with the least possible trauma. 

He also does abdominal high-definition etching in selected patients, a liposuction technique that highlights the abdominal muscles. When the procedure is complete, Dr. Jaiswal places padding and a compression garment over the area.

When will I see results after liposuction?

It can take up to six months for postoperative swelling and skin shrinking to resolve and enable you to see the final results of your liposuction. However, you should notice a gradual improvement as your body heals. 

Correct care is key to good results. You should rest for several days after liposuction and keep the bandages on. Post-op massages are also essential. You’ll initially experience some bruising, tenderness, and discomfort, but don’t remove your compression garments until Dr. Jaiswal confirms it’s OK.

Call Atelier Plastic Surgery: Rohit Jaiswal, MD, to see if liposuction is the right body sculpting treatment for you, or book an appointment online today.